product design

Do you have an idea, problem or challenge that can be solved or developed into a physical product solution? You might be at the start of your journey or already half way through. We provide services at all stages of the design process.


  • User centric research qualify early ideas

  • Create concepts and test with users

  • Prototyping integrated at every step

  • Develop for manufacture and launch

Five Steps for Successful products

  • The first step is to ensure brief parameters, market fit, user context so that the design solution will be the user centric and suitable for business and market. 

    • Market research report (competitor analysis, white space opportunity, product mapping, knowledge mapping).

    • User/consumer research. Understand experience using qualitative methods such as user interviews.

  • Define the solution design brief based on findings from users, business, stakeholders and market report.

    • Design brief based on prior findings, reports, research

    • Develop opportunity territories for exploration and ideation

    • Develop Mood/brand/theme boards that inspire in each territory

  • Create a wide array of different concepts that solve the brief, develop from idea to concept through rounds of design iteration, rough prototypes and user/consumer testing.

    • Ideation, early ideas quickly created

    • Idea’s screener User/consumer survey

    • Concept design development, shortlisted ideas refined with focus on colour materials and finish (CMF)

    • 3D prototypes used throughout to ensure success

  • Test with target audience, critical to ensure successful design achieves original brief. Test business/brand fit, look, feel and function. 

    • User/consumer research

    • Refine top concepts based on feedback

    • Revise and retest

  • Prototype minimum viable product (MVP) design. 

    • Design for manufacture (DFM), manufacture liaison and revision

    • Scale up of first batch production and support with suppliers

    • Distribution/logistics support

Our Work

PROJECT case study

Portable Potting Wheel- PBOY

Client’s brief was to create the first truly portable potting wheel.

DISCOVER- Users wet and dirty working with clay, existing wheels heavy due to motors driving plate. No existing solutions in market. Unique opportunity space.

DEFINE- Can we create a portable potting wheel that is transportable, battery supported, can be setup anywhere, anytime.

CREATE- Ideas range from sleek modern takes on wheels to compact multi componant solutions. Screened with client, top concepts developed.

TEST- Top concept developed into visuals and 3D prototyped (not fully functioning) to be tested with amateur and professional potters.

DEVELOP- Based on feedback make final changes to design. Design ready for manufacture, liase and revise with manufacturer, componantry supplier and ensure production prototype quality. Ready for full scale production and sale.