CREATive strategy

& commercialisation


Understand, identify and develop strategic solutions for industry, business, research, product, packaging challenges utilsing design thinking methodology. Offering longer term strategic projects or workshop days for business to identify and define opportunity for larger business challenges.


After a design project we aim to support our clients with scaling to market including research to gather key launch data (purchase intent, volumes, competitor comparison), manufacturing liasing to get first products right through to the distribution to their desired location.

We provide support beyond product/packaging

  • Creative strategy is for business or large complex challenges that require a mixture of innovation methodologies, commercialisation techniques and design thinking to create unique strategic solutions.

    • For projects outside of direct product of packaging solutions

    • Challenges could be: how to rapidly decarbonise with products, systems, government, social or business challenges.

    • Scale up of product solution, including small batch run to full production run.

    • Support with manufacture, supplier, distribution (network providers).

    • Quantitative data gathering for launch: purchase intent, pricing ranges, volumes and competitor comparison.

  • Workshops are a great way to access knowledge and accelerate teams ability to provide solutions and context to sustainability, business, product or packaging challenges. Workshops on the following topics:

    • Design Sprint (Idea to prototype)

    • Ideation (Idea generation)

    • Design thinking to solve a challenge

    • White space/opportunity identification

    • Knowledge mapping

    • Competitor/Product Mapping


Rapid decarbonisation via valuable products (Design thinking Workshop)

Exploring potential opportunities for carbon based products that enable decarbonising atmosphere. Working with industry, Universities and leading research to identify leading ideas and adapt into an actionable development template for research and development teams to work on.

Outcomes included concept design briefs for further research and development, business plans and actionable cross industry strategy for projects that turn carbon into valuable products.