market research

Understand you target market and user with market research. Ensure solutions are tested on form, function and communication with the target audience.


  • Market analysis, user research, problem research.

  • Quick ideas screener (under two weeks!).

  • Concept testing, prototype testing.

  • Market, user, consumer validation for product.

User, consumer and market research

  • Market research is critical to understanding and identifying areas of opportunity by compiling knowledge and data of a business challenge, opportunity exploration and users/consumers.

    • Used to gather knowledge and data on key metrics like market, user and product competition.

    • Market research study (Network partner): studies of users, consumers, competitors, categories, challenge, domestic and global.

    • Qualitative and quantitative research studies available to make sure business focus’ on the right problem to solve.

  • A human centred design approach. This process is included in any creative strategy, product or packaging project conducted ensuring development of the best solutions with the user at the centre.

    • User interviews, empathy mapping, personas, experience mapping.

    • Focus Groups (Network partner): In person groups of target users, understand proposition, brand/business elements, product, packaging, form, function and communication.

  • Ensure key users have been engaged and evaluate the designs and prototypes from early ideas through to concepts. Enriching the design process as well as providing success metrics for business on developments.

    • Idea Screener: Early stage screener of ideas with target users. Two week turnaround to quickly understand what early ideas have merit with target users.

    • Focus Groups (Network partner): In person groups of target users, understand proposition, brand/business elements, product, packaging, form, function and communication.

    • Concept Evaluation: Deeper understanding of form, functionality, brand and overall proposition.